Arawasi International Magazine

Issue 13

Pages: 50
Photos: 200
Colour illustrations: 8
Size: A4
Price: 15+3(postage by SAL)=18.00$US or 15+5(air mail)=20$US

Photo Album: 59th Sentai
A special feature full of original photos, most never published before, from the album of a veteran pilot, who took photos during the unit's battles in Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua/New Guinea and back to Japan.
Text: George & Kiri Eleftheriou / Illustrations: Devlin Chouinard

The Wind from Asia, Pt. 1
The first part of the story of the two Breguet 19A2, J-KIKU "Hatsukaze" & J-KIRI "Kochikaze", and their pilots who made history by flying from Japan to Moscow and beyond.
Text: Otsuki Hajime & the editors

Accident Reports
Featuring never seen before in print photos and official reports of the accidents of the Mitsubishi G3M "Nell" prototypes.
Text: George & Kiri Eleftheriou / Illustrations: Devlin Chouinard

The LB-2 Light Aircraft: Tokyo University's own home-built aircraft
An article about this little known trainer built by the students of Tokyo University.
Text: James Boyd

The Chamber of Secret...Japanese Aircraft Designs
Vintage what-if Japanese airplanes with a twist.
Text: George & Kiri Eleftheriou / Illustrations: Devlin Chouinard
And more...