KOKUSAI/TACHIKAWA SPECIAL ATTACK PLANE "TAGO"From Green Arrow "X-planes" p. 157: 1945 Drawing caption: Nihon Kokusai Koku "TAGO" special attacker 1st plane. Like the Ki115 "Tsurugi", Nihon Kokusai Koku and Tachikawa from February 1945 developed this plane, as a special attacker for the decisive battle following the anticipated invasion of the American forces in the mainland. But compared to the Ki115, the engine power output was the 1/10th for the Nihon Ku. engine and the 1/2 for the Tachikawa, followed by an all-wooden structure making it a very simple plane. We can't imagine how such a flimsy plane could break into overwhelming American forces, what kind of target it could hit and what damage it could possibly do. This plane was born in the times of "100.000.000 screaming special attackers." TAGO’s "TA" comes from "Takeyari" (bamboo spear). The plane didn't see any actual combat and with Nihon Ku’s preparations for mass production half underway and the first plane produced by Tachikawa being destroyed in an air raid immediately after its completion, we get a helpless feeling. Middle photo caption: With wings folded Nihon Ku’s 1st plane. The type was designed with folded wings in order to be concealed inside railway tunnels and caves, taking off from there. Lower photo caption: Half-finished Tachikawa’s first plane inside factory’s assembly line. The plan called for a 510 hp "HA 13 Ko" engine to be installed and a 500 kg bomb to be carried compared with Nihon Ku’s 100 kg bomb. From Koku Fan "Japanese Military Aircraft Illustrated" page 113: The following additions to the above: For Nihon Koku’s TAGO: Army Aviation Technical Arsenal Captain Mizuyama Yoshiuki conceived the plan. The first plane was finished in June 1945. It had a climbing output of 110 hp, air-cooled reverse circuit series 4 cylinder HA 47 (Type 4 110 hp engine, HA "11" 11), wooden twin blade fixed pitch type propeller. The Nihon Ku was also test producing the "TSUGO" and "GIGO" (GI = justice/correct) For Tachikawa’s TAGO: Air-cooled radial 9 cylinder, climb output 515 hp HA 13 Ko (Type 98, 450 hp engine HA "23" 21). Cockpit was bigger than Nihon Ku’s and it was enclosed. Just before being tested, it was strafed and set on fire. |